17 Common things that are 5 Inches long

Harry Zarek

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17 Common things that are 5 Inches long

When we think about measurements, 5 inches might seem like a small, insignificant number. But in reality, this measurement plays a critical role in our daily lives. From common objects like a standard soda can to everyday tools like an uncapped pen, knowing the length of 5 inches can help in everything from home projects to basic tasks. In fact, there are 17 common things that are 5 inches long, and you’ll be surprised at how often you encounter these items in your day-to-day life.

Whether you’re measuring with a ruler, estimating with your hand, or using familiar objects for reference, understanding 5 inches gives you a better sense of scale in your environment. This guide will provide you with clear, real-world examples of items that are exactly or close to 5 inches long

How Long is 5 Inches?

To start, it’s essential to put 5 inches into perspective. Measured in both imperial and metric systems, 5 inches equals 12.7 centimeters. This length is neither too short nor too long—perfect for providing context to the objects we interact with daily. For example, it’s about the width of an adult’s palm or the height of a standard postcard.

In practical terms, 5 inches is an ideal reference point when you’re estimating small distances or measuring everyday items without a measuring tool.

5 inches5 in12.7 cm

Common Objects That Are 5 Inches Long

Now that we’ve established the importance of understanding 5 inches, let’s explore 17 common objects that measure this length.

1. Credit Card

1. Credit Card

A credit card is one of the most familiar items in daily life. While the standard dimensions of a credit card are 3.37 inches wide and 2.125 inches tall, the diagonal length of a credit card is approximately 5 inches. This makes a credit card a perfect reference when you need to quickly estimate something that’s about 5 inches long. Simply holding the card diagonally can give you a good visual of what 5 inches looks like.

2. Note Pad

2. Note Pad

Next time you’re in an office setting, grab a Post-it note pad. The common 3×3 inch Post-it note is a household item found almost everywhere. A stack of 20-30 sticky notes will measure close to 5 inches in 17 common height. The versatility of Post-it notes in organizing and brainstorming is unmatched, and it’s a practical tool to visualize 5 inches in an office environment.

3. Paperback Novel Width

3. Paperback Novel Width

If you’re a reader, you’ve probably held a paperback novel countless times. The width of a small paperback book often ranges close to 5 inches, depending on the publisher. This is particularly true for books around 300 pages long. For example, popular novels from genres like mystery or romance typically come in this size, providing a familiar reference point.

4. Passport

4. Passport

A passport is another common object with a length close to 5 inches. A US passport, for instance, measures around 4.92 inches in height. Many international passports have similar dimensions. This makes your passport a practical tool for comparing and estimating the size of 5 inches.

ItemLength (in inches)Additional Information
US Passport4.92 in passport dimensions

5. Smartphone

5. Smartphone

While modern smartphone models have gotten larger, older models like the iPhone SE are perfect examples of a 5-inch length device. This length makes these smartphones compact and easily portable, ideal for people who prefer smaller screens. For tech enthusiasts, older mobile phones like the iPhone 5 and other cell phones from a decade ago often had 5-inch displays. They serve as a reminder of how phone sizes have evolved.

6. Butter Knife

6. Butter Knife

One of the most common items found in kitchens, a butter knife usually measures about 5 inches in length. This length varies slightly depending on the manufacturer, but it’s generally a useful estimate for this kitchen utensil. Not to be confused with a sharp knife or table knife, the butter knife is perfect for spreading and cutting soft items like butter or cream cheese.

Knife TypeLengthPurpose
Butter Knife5 inSpreading butter, soft foods

7. Soda Can

7. Soda Can

The diameter of a standard soda can is around 2.6 inches. If you place two soda containers side-by-side, you’ll get a length very close to 5 inches. This is true for most aluminum cans in the US, particularly the soft drink cans you find in convenience stores. The standard soda can is typically 12 fluid ounces, which you might drink with lunch or at a picnic. The dimensions are standardized, making this an easy object to compare.

8. US Dollar

8. US Dollar

One of the most accessible items to estimate 5 inches is the US dollar bill. Most US currency bills measure 6.14 inches, making it slightly longer than 5 inches, but still within a range that is easy to estimate when folded or viewed from a distance. Using money as a reference point is not only practical but also provides an immediate and universal example for visualizing lengths.

9. Index Finger

9. Index Finger

The average adult’s index finger is around 4 to 5 inches long. This provides a highly personal and easy-to-remember point of reference. If you’ve ever measured your finger with a ruler, you’ll know how close it comes to the 5-inch mark. It’s a handy tool for rough estimates in day-to-day tasks like measuring small objects or estimating lengths without a ruler.

10. Two Golf Balls

10. Two Golf Balls

The diameter of a golf ball is 1.68 inches, which means that stacking two golf balls on top of each other gives you a height that’s very close to 5 inches. This comparison is particularly useful for golf enthusiasts or anyone familiar with sports balls. Next time you’re out on the green, consider this when you’re thinking about distances or measurements on the golf course.

Sports BallDiameter (in inches)Stacked Height
Golf Ball1.68 in~5 inches when stacked

11. Mason Jar Lid

11.  Mason Jar Lid

If you love DIY projects or enjoy canning, a Mason jar lid will be a familiar item. The regular size Mason jar lid has a diameter of roughly 5 inches, making it a perfect household item to use when visualizing this length. The Mason jar has become a versatile storage solution, from holding dry goods to serving as decorative pieces in homes.

12. Coffee Stirrer

12. Coffee Stirrer

Many coffee stirrers, particularly those found in cafes and coffee shops, measure between 4.5 and 5 inches. These practical tools are essential for mixing cream and sugar into your coffee, and their length makes them easy to carry in bags or use on the go.

For frequent coffee drinkers, these stirrers provide an excellent visual cue for measuring 5 inches.
Got it! Here’s the revised content with tables placed directly below each relevant heading.

13. Toothbrush

13. Toothbrush

A standard toothbrush, especially the compact models, is often 5 inches long or slightly longer. Toothbrushes are essential personal hygiene tools, and their compact size makes them easy to store in bathroom cabinets or travel kits.

ObjectLength (in inches)Purpose
Toothbrush5 inUsed for cleaning teeth

14. Lighter

14. Lighter

Disposable cigarette lighters, like the classic Bic lighter, typically measure around 5 inches in length. These everyday objects are often used for lighting candles, starting campfires, or even sparking up stoves when you’re in a pinch.

ObjectLength (in inches)Purpose
Lighter5 inUsed for lighting candles, stoves

15. Makeup Brush

15. Makeup Brush

Many makeup brushes, particularly those used for applying eyeshadow or blush, are around 5 inches long. These practical tools fit perfectly in makeup bags, making them a convenient size for both professionals and beginners in the beauty world.

ObjectLength (in inches)Purpose
Makeup Brush5 inUsed for applying makeup

16. Nail File

16. Nail File

A nail file, often found in manicure kits, is typically about 5 inches long. This makes it a perfect tool for shaping and smoothing nails. Its portable size allows for easy storage in handbags or cosmetic pouches.

ObjectLength (in inches)Purpose
Nail File5 inUsed for shaping nails

17. TV Remote

TV Remote

Many compact TV remote controls, especially those for streaming devices like Roku or Apple TV, measure close to 5 inches in length. These remotes are easy to use with one hand and convenient for navigating simple interfaces.

ObjectLength (in inches)Purpose
Compact TV Remote5 inControl for TVs and streaming devices


Understanding the length of 17 common things that are 5 inches long is more than just a technical measurement. It’s about applying this knowledge to your daily life. From common household items like a butter knife to practical tools like a smartphone or coffee stirrer, 5 inches is a versatile and useful reference point. Next time you’re trying to measure something quickly, think of these familiar objects and how they match the dimensions of 5 inches.

By recognizing the practical applications of this measurement, you’ll be able to navigate your surroundings with more confidence. Whether you’re estimating the size of sports balls, comparing office supplies like paper clips, or visualizing the width of a playing card, 17 common things that are 5 inches long is a measurement that keeps popping up in our daily lives.

This understanding brings us closer to the real-world dimensions of the things we see and use every day, creating a practical foundation for measuring and estimating lengths with confidence.

CLICK HERE .How Long Is 10 Inches Compared to Everyday Objects?

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